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How to promote a website to 12,001 visitors - SEO


How to promote a website to 12,001 visitors

I am glad to welcome you, my subscribers. Today I want to tell you about website promotion, namely about effective promotion that will allow you to attract up to 10,000 visitors a day or more. I think you came here for information not about cheating counters and demonstrative actions, which are a pill for complacency. I want to share with you information that will be really useful.

I will tell you about the main factors that will help you achieve the desired result.

Regular publications

In order for your blog to start growing, you need to write quality articles on interesting topics. Well optimize the article for key queries that are selected in advance. In Yandex and Google search engines, when the site is being developed and updated. In my practice, I know that you can achieve high results in traffic, but if you stop developing your site in terms of content, then this traffic will gradually slide to a minimum. Certainly. it will not drop to zero, but on average it will decrease by 7-8 times from the peak value.

So my recommendation is never give up on your site. Publish articles regularly, make changes on the site, work on the relevance of your old materials. Even an old article that previously brought good traffic to the site after processing the material with current trends can be revived and become useful for your reader.

Never rest on your laurels, try to move only up. If your metric shows 10,000 unique visitors per day, then you can achieve even more. Try to go up, not down. Therefore, do not abandon your site for a long period of time.

I recommend reading:

How to achieve popularity?

1. Content quality. You should write a unique author's article on a topic that is interesting for your reader. You do not need to copy articles from popular sites, as this will not give you anything. You must be an expert in your field and write an article that helps solve visitors' problems or provide information that will be useful to them. If you can’t write it yourself, then you can order an article from a professional copywriter. You can find such a specialist on exchanges or freelancing. It is best to create a site on a topic in which you are well versed and can provide useful information.

The text should be easy to read, so write in plain language so that even your grandmother can understand what is being said. Break the text into small paragraphs, provide statistics, compare characteristics and factors, use unique photographs (which are not available on the Internet). As for the photos, you can shoot them yourself on the camera or create various graphics in graphic editors.

2. How long should an article be written? As I wrote in the previous paragraph, the article should contain information blocks that answer various user questions. The text must contain reliable data, analytics, characteristics or parameters. Add your own video in which you talk about the topic of the article, for those who do not want to read the text of the article, but want to watch and listen to you. Author's photographs and graphics are well perceived. There are no restrictions on the length of the text, but the article should not be shorter than 3000 characters. If the article is long, I recommend making a table of contents with anchor links that will allow the user to immediately go to the desired section of the text.

3. Optimization for mobile devices. Today, websites receive more mobile traffic than from PCs and other devices. Do not forget that people today read articles through mobile devices, so you need to take care of their comfort and create a high-quality mobile version of the site.

4. Bounce rate. Yandex and Google metrics must be installed on your site so that you can track the situation on your site. Bounce rate is a good indicator of the quality and usefulness of your content. The bounce rate should be as low as possible. Of course, it will never be equal to zero, but the smaller the better. The longer people stay on the pages of your site, the lower the bounce rate will be. Therefore, create interesting content that will keep them as long as possible.

5. HTTPS protocol. It is very important that the secure connection protocol https is activated on the site. Some browsers may indicate to users that going to a site without https will not be safe, so you may lose some traffic because of this.


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