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How bloggers who have their own website make money

 How bloggers who have their own website make money πŸ’£

Text blogs were at the peak of popularity in 2007-2015. At that time, search engines had not yet put a spoke in the wheels of SEOs and webmasters, and users watched TV more often than Youtube. But today the rules of the game have changed. There are a lot of sites, they are difficult to promote, and people spend hours on social networks and instant messengers. Consequently, classic text blogs are gradually losing relevance. Although they can still earn money.

Contextual advertising πŸ‘Œ

Contextual advertising is text ads with links that lead to the seller's website. It makes no sense to post it on a young blog. First you need to achieve at least 500-1000 unique visitors per day, and only then apply to Google Adsense or Yandex Direct.
A blogger who has added a contextual advertising code to the site receives payment for clicks. The cost of the latter depends on the following factors:

πŸ’š topics;

πŸ’™ traffic region;

πŸ’› competitiveness of the request in the ad.

For example, a blog about finance in English can bring in $2-5 per click. But on a project about cooking, the cost of the transition is unlikely to exceed $ 0.20.

How much do bloggers earn on contextual advertising? The financial result primarily depends on the niche and attendance. Most popular authors get $200-300 per month.


Banner and teaser advertising

Banner advertising is a bright graphic block with a hidden link that leads to the seller's website. The blogger is paid for clicks or 1000 impressions. And if the author cooperates with the advertiser without intermediaries, he can ask for a fixed amount for the time the ad is on the site.

Teasers are a kind of banners, only with provocative content. For example, “In 2021, fabulous wealth awaits the three signs of the Zodiac!”.

Such ads should not be placed on a blog with a serious topic. Teasers are relevant on the following sites:




πŸ’₯about traditional medicine;

πŸ’₯about the household;

πŸ’₯about the garden.

How much do bloggers earn on banners? The exact figures again depend on the subject and attendance of the resource. But on average, the income is the same as when placing contextual advertising.

Placement of external links

Blogs with high attendance rates and ICS attract webmasters. The latter may contact the blogger with a request to place external links. This is necessary to promote sites in the search.

Links can be leased (temporary) or permanent. The price of the first is very low - from 5 rubles per month. The latter are 10-15 times more expensive, but they cannot be removed. To quickly find customers, bloggers register on link exchanges:


Unfortunately, the described way of earning is now losing ground. The reason is in search engines, which can lower the site in the search results or impose a filter due to the placement of a large number of external links. To avoid such sanctions, you need to publish articles in which the links look organic.



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