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Fundamentals of Marketing. What is marketing?

Fundamentals of Marketing. What is marketing?


Today we will consider the question of what is marketing.

On the topic of marketing, hundreds of books have already been written, more than 3,000 definitions, more than 450,000 requests in Russia per month, more than 10 million videos on youtube. But still the question remains what is marketing. In fact, there are as many as seven misconceptions of marketers. Who are they, let's see:

First delusion

A marketer is a promoter, these are bird people or donut people who stand on the streets handing out flyers to everyone.

Second delusion

marketers are magicians - people who will take immediate action to save the business. At that moment, when the crisis has already come and the business has begun to bend, such a rescuer comes and does artificial respiration or waves his magic wand and the business goes uphill.

Third delusion

marketing is sales support. Everyone thinks that such a cool dude who sits in a pile of papers, knows how to write sales scripts, implement them, give them to the advertising department, and everything is cool, our work is over.


The fourth delusion

marketers are all who did not find work in other departments. It was a pity to fire the secretary, of course, let's make a marketer out of her.


Fifth delusion

marketers are spies to collect information from competitors. I agree that you need to know what a competitor does, how much it sells, how it packs, but this is just one of the areas of marketing.


The sixth fallacy

A marketer is a person who has a lot of ideas, a light always burns in his eyes. They come to the entrepreneur in the form of Zeus and try to convey ideas to him.


The last delusion

The biggest misconception is that marketers are scapegoats. If sales fall, profits fall, marketers are to blame, of course. If we don't have sales, we need to reduce the cost of the marketing department. Of course, never do that, marketing must be done from start to finish. No marketing, no business.


Sixty percent of Russian companies in the context of small and medium-sized businesses use marketing for only 20 percent of its real capabilities and do not receive additional profit.

What is marketing?

Philip Kotler believes that marketing is a kind of human activity aimed at satisfying needs and requirements through exchange.


Peter Drucker believes that marketing is an entire business considering it from the point of view of its final result, that is, the point of view of the consumer.


Jean-Jacques Lambin believes that marketing is a social process aimed at meeting the needs and desires of people and organizations by providing a free competitive exchange of goods and services that provide value to the buyer.


Understanding the definitions, we understand that they are all very narrow, difficult to understand and do not at all reveal the whole essence of marketing in terms of its functional belonging to the business.

Marketing is a strategically important set of activities implemented throughout the entire life cycle of a company, based on specific indicators in numbers and aimed at developing a business, increasing its competitiveness, attracting and retaining customers.

Our definition can be decomposed into 7 key components to make it more clear:

this is analytics

these are the goals



business development


attracting and retaining customers

Let's figure out where the long-term is, why many companies are mistaken by not using marketing.

There is a certain life cycle of the company, unfortunately sometimes marketing is used only at the stage of business growth development, or at the stage of recession their business ever needs PR people. They are engaged in promotion either when they already need rescuers, when the business is bent and something needs to be done about it.

I want to upset you, marketing is a continuous long, long-term process that should begin with the very creation of a company.


When you need analytics based on the received data, specific business goals are set with specific indicators. Marketing strategies are developed, positioning works are carried out, analysis of target audiences. This happens already at the growth development stage. At the heyday stage, the maximum satisfaction of needs occurs. At the maturity stage, we need customer loyalty programs to keep them. At the recession stage, we also need analytics to process existing data, reposition changes in some of our actions aimed at stimulating business development. And the stage of growth begins again and the path to new heights.


So let's fix with you what marketing is - this is a strategically important set of works implemented throughout the entire life cycle of a company, based on specific indicators and figures, aimed at developing a business, increasing its competitiveness, attracting and retaining customers.


Folllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllow me 


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