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Attracting traffic to the site: marketing

Attracting traffic to the site: marketing

Do you want to attract more visitors to your site? So this article is for you. We have selected really working solutions that will make your resource more attractive. In no time, you will increase the traffic to the site. Also, increase engagement, your visitors will become leads and other metrics will improve. We have divided all the steps towards the noble goal into 4 groups: blogging, optimization, viral marketing and advertising.

Blog Ideas: New content 👌

To get a large traffic flow, you need to tailor your website content to your audience. If you give them a clear answer to their question, more people will start visiting. But how do you know what your audience cares about? Read the article in detail.


Consider the interests of visitors

The easiest way to do this is analytical analysis. If you have everything set up correctly, your reports should show the interests of the people who visited your site. Information about popular tags and categories on your site will also be helpful. Knowing this, you can create content that will interest the majority of visitors.

Find the best landing pages and popular post types to create relevant content


You can also access content that has been proven effective for others. Look at your site's landing page rank. This way, you will understand what type of content attracts the most traffic. For example, you are starting a website about modern technology. You have reviews, opinions, life hacks, guides and news. In the report, you can see that review pages rank first. So the winning form of content is the review. Also, if you have a blog tagged by all the post types, you can find which ones bring you the most traffic. Found it? We sit down to create.

Use Google to find high volume terms

Check out what Google has to offer for blog post ideas. Enter a keyword related to your site and see how the search engine suggests it further. Or pay attention to the requests in the block "In combination with X, they are often searched for".

Georeference your content

This action is relevant for those who work in several countries. Customize your content for these countries and popular needs: restaurants in Moscow, high-quality shoes in St. Petersburg, where to buy a waffle iron in Nizhny Novgorod. With such posts, you answer specific queries, so you get a large portion of traffic in the right area.

Optimizing: getting more out of what's available
Do you have great content on your site but no one is seeing it? The diagnosis is clear. Let's optimize. Search traffic, unlike advertising, grows over time. And optimization costs you nothing.

Focus on the right content


Only 8% of users go to the second page of search results. So you have to go to the first one. For this you need to work with keywords. Google Search Console and Yandex.Webmaster will help you with this. There you can see what keywords you are being found for. And what position do you have in them? If you are already on the second page, it will not be too difficult to switch to the first. If it's longer, you need to do something serious.

Increase your CTR with the right keywords

Analyze site traffic. See the analysis of which pages are not clickable. Their names will be changed. That is, adding to them the so-called. "Powerful" words that evoke an emotional response and encourage you to click on a link.

For example, a powerful keyword would be "16 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Get Tons of Leads Through Your Email Campaign in Less Than 5 Minutes".


Add FAQs to your site

When people search for something on Google, the "Related queries" block often appears in the search results with an excerpt from some site. The user reads the passage and enters this site. You must access these passages. If you want to write a new article, use targeted queries as subheadings for this. But it would be easier to add a FAQ section at the end of the existing content. The question should exactly copy the request. And the answer should be short and simple. If you manage to enter this block, the number of visits will increase dramatically.


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