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ADS in profile feed instagram

 ADS in profile feed instagram 

Hello, dear users of Instagram or simply read the data... Today, I will analyze the questions, the internet network of many users of interest - how and how much they earn on instagram.


Some facts: this social network appeared back in 2010, in fact, it was an application for various actions with a photo. In 2012, Mom was bought by a Facebook developer, and in grief, opportunities for Instagram emerged. In 2013, it became possible to add a 15-second video, and in 2016, the video duration was increased to 1 minute. But not only in this, the mother outgrew other social. kit.

Today is:

for each application, an account is available in which you can integrate with other social networks. networks - Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte, etc.;
a social network with over 300 million users, tens of millions of which are daily visitors;
a platform with huge commercial potential, which provides a lot of opportunities for development and earnings for motivated Instagrammers.
From this article you will learn:


1 How much can you earn on instagram
2 How you can make money on Instagram with followers - 4 best options
3 Option number 1 Earnings on advertising
Option #2 Affiliate Programs
5 Option number 3 Sale of goods
6 Option #4 Promotion of your own services
7 How Much Do Instagram Bloggers Earn (Examples)
8 How Much Do Instagram Stars Earn From Ads?
9 earnings of famous bloggers who managed to promote themselves as a brand
10 Ways to Succeed on Instagram - Tips & Tricks from Top Bloggers
11 Conclusions or what is important to know first

how much can you earn on instagram
Beginning bloggers first of all ask themselves the question “how and how many Instagram followers do you need to start earning?”. If we take it globally, then the blogger's earnings as a whole depend on the number of his readers. Each reader from a certain amount costs a 0,05 $


But in reality there are many nuances, and it cannot be said with accuracy that having reached a certain bar, you will definitely have so many thousands.

The following factors influence the amount of income:

correctly chosen topic, its relevance;
the quality of the audience - it is important that they are real people (they won’t buy and click on ads with fake bots);


geolocation and audience activity;
user status (it’s easier for a famous person to promote their page).
But statistics are stubborn things. In recent years, the active development of Instagram, certain numbers have emerged that indicate how much you can earn on Instagram and with what number of subscribers.

Accordingly, we can draw the following conclusions:


A blogger with up to 5,000 readers in total, $1–2 per person per month. The total amount of earnings per month is about 10,000 thousand rubles.
One of the peak times for a blogger, when his audience ranges from 5,000 to 50,000 readers. Such bloggers earn 7–10 rubles per person.
With an audience of 50,000 to 100,000 bloggers earn $0.4–0.8 per person. Approximately from 2 to 8 thousand dollars a month. This statistic applies not only to bloggers, but also to sellers of creativity or services.


From 100,000 to 1,000,000 readers, earnings are $3-7 per person. Earnings partially fall due to the fact that not everyone sees the tape. The number of people who look at the blog has increased, and accordingly, the number of users who have not looked at your post has increased. Decreased audience returns. After a certain amount of time, a part may unsubscribe from the blog altogether or simply not read the feed, despite the fact that they are still subscribed.

From 1,000,000 earnings is $ 2 per reader.


But, I repeat - this is all approximate, and you can’t accurately focus on these numbers, it’s better to think more about quality, and the right audience will catch up!

What do you think, is it possible to make money on the Internet?

Previously, I didn’t understand how you can make money on the Internet in general, but then I learned a couple of ways, tried it - it started to work out. I like this kind of work.
This is the only way I have been earning for a long time and I am not going to return to a hired office job.

I tried a couple of times to find a freelance job, but no regularity. So I stayed offline.
Live communication is important to me, sitting at home alone and working is not for me.
I need stability, and I see it only with an official employment contract, paid vacation, sick leave and salary.

Show Results 👀👀👀👀👀

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