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Do youtube bloggers make money

 Do youtube bloggers make money

Greetings to all, today I would like to cover in detail the topic of pay-per-views and dispel some myths about how much you can earn on this.

Why and how does YouTube pay for views?

According to statistics, popular, and not the most popular bloggers earn decent money on YouTube, but we need to dispel the myth a little that they earn on views, their main income is advertising from customers, shops, banks, services, websites, etc. .

Of course, YouTube pays money for the YouTube service itself, and advertisers, if a blogger becomes popular, then he is given the opportunity to monetize his channel, after which an agreement is concluded, and during the video an advertisement is shown, for which the service pays money for viewing or clicking on.


How much can you earn for 1000 views?

It’s quite difficult to say for sure, since there is always a spread, Russian-speaking bloggers are paid less than Western bloggers, on average, you can get $ 1 for 1000 views, but there is a spread, you can get from 0.25 to 4 dollars, everything will depend on:

1. Topics,
2. The blogger himself, his popularity
3. Target audience
4. Advertiser
Accordingly, the money goes, only for views in which ads are shown, just like that, the service does not pay anything.

As a rule, the more authoritative the channel, the more solid the audience, the more the author earns, for example, a channel with a serious, solvent business audience will always earn more than a blogger with a children's audience.

Also, there are videos for different language audiences, if Western viewers watch it, they will be shown ads in their language, such ads are much more expensive.

How much can you earn for 1000 views in different countries?

Next, I want to present an image that reflects the real earnings for views in different countries, you need to pay attention to the last line, which says about payouts for 1000 views:


As you can see, if you make a gradation, then the income rating for 1000 impressions is as follows:

1. Norway ($14.16)
2. Australia ($11.01)
3. Switzerland ($10.58)
4. USA ($10.32)
5. Netherlands ($8.7)
6. UK ($8.42)
7. Germany ($7.66)
8. France ($7.44)
9. Sweden ($7.43)
10. Canada ($6.79)
11. Russia ($2.22)

As you can see, Russia is almost in last place in this list, only Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Belarus are below.

Being a YouTube blogger is profitable and you can make good money only on views, but alas, not in Russia. In rich countries with developed advertising networks and rich advertisers, you can earn much more and faster from advertising, even for not the most popular bloggers.

How much do they pay for 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000, 1B, views?

On the one hand, you can look at the table above and everything will be clear, but again, not everything is as simple as it might seem, again, everything will depend on the same factors as 1000 views.


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